
Rehearsal notes 8.7.10

What I need to fix or do: 

  • finish marking double choir lines
  • make sure all phrases over the page are solid
  • clean up Russian pronunciation marks 
  • NOT use the new sharpie pencil on music, but totally jazzed to write with it. Awesome.
  • invite my chorus mates to consider reducing talking each time the conductor stops us. When chatter happens, my flow goes out the window. Rehearsal time is precious. Very. It is deeply healing to produce beautiful sound with other humans. Practice throughout the week and take advantage of the time we have together to create a communal flow within the music. Put all that good energy from talking into absorbing the music. Make an old lady insanely happy.
  • marvel at the weather 
  • calm down from driving home tonight in Hermine, the Horrible Hurricane. Massive amounts of water. My car nearly drowned. So did I. Scary.
  • high five the altos for perfect attendance tonight
  • put concert schedule on calendar (thanks MLD)
  • load all music/concert-related stuff in Tricia's waterproof croc bag
  • locate folder. Which implies keep unpacking.
  • stop with the list.